Attawapiskat First Nation leaders have declared an emergency due to the high risk of flooding and want about 1,000 vulnerable residents be moved out the community. (Jonathan P Nakogee/Twitter)
An evacuation has started at the remote Attawapiskat First Nation in northern Ontario because of a flood threat.
Emergency Management Ontario says about 100 people were flown from the community to Kirkland Lake on Friday night.
Attawapiskat First Nation leaders have declared an emergency due to the high risk of flooding.
They want vulnerable residents be moved out the community on the west coast of James Bay.
A spokesman with the Ontario government says it's hoped another 800 residents will be moved out Sunday and Monday.
The remaining residents are remaining in the community but officials are monitoring the situation closely.
An evacuation involving more than 1,500 residents from the Kashechewan First Nation was completed earlier this week.
A few community members and band officials remain in Kashechewan to look after local infrastructure.
Efforts are being made to reunite Kashechewan family members who were sent to different host communities, which include Thunder Bay, Greenstone, Cornwall, and Kapuskasing.
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