A B.C. man accused of setting up an illegal dental practice in the bedroom of a house near Vancouver has turned himself in, Toronto police have confirmed.

Tung Sheng (David) Wu has been sentenced to three months in jail for contempt for ignoring a court order to stop practising dentistry without a licence, but the B.C.'s College of Dental Surgeons has been unable to locate him.

Const. R. Steffler says Wu turned himself into police in Scarborough, Ont., and has a court appearance scheduled for Monday.

The college uncovered Wu's illegal dental operation in Burnaby this past May, shutting the clinic down and warning hundreds of patients to get tested for blood-borne illnesses such as hepatitis and HIV.

Wu had been ordered by the court to stop practising dentistry without a licence back in 2003.

A B.C. judge found him in contempt and sentenced him last month to jail time, as well as ordering him to pay the college's legal bills, which so far have cost more than $140,000.